Improvisational Acting



Acting is essentially reacting, and improvisational acting is at the heart of every good actor’s repertoire. But though reacting in the moment is a natural, intrinsic, human element, it is sadly an ability that is being no doubt supressed and eclipsed in our technology-oriented society. This course is designed to restore it to its ordained position – the forefront of our life.

This 4-hour workshop focuses on the individual, and specifically on teaching them to hone their innate ability to be present. Since this is an essential skill for basic human interaction, this course serves as a foundational tool for everyone – teacher, actor, presenter, person, employer, and employee.

Course Objectives:

1. Teaches you to BE PRESENT in any interaction

2. Guides you through the process of SELF-DISCOVERY

3. Reinforces the value of our CONNECTION WITH OTHERS

4. Challenges you to THINK CREATIVELY outside of the daily, preset interactional dialogue

5. Teaches you how to CONQUER YOUR GREATEST FEAR – failure!

Date: January 14th, 2018

Time: 2pm – 6pm

Venue: Tsinghua University Campus

Instructor: enna morgan

Cost: 585RMB

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Cancellation policy:
Full refund given up to one week prior to course date; no refunds after January 7th, 2018. 
We reserve the right to adjust the course cost, the date, and the venue according to space availability and the demands of the community. And will be happy to give a full and immediate refund should there be any conflicts resulting from such changes.